Good morning
We have now arrived back in the UK. This email will consist of koi mainly from Takahashi purchased on our last day in the mountains, plus a few other koi purchases on our last day. I have added a few specials that are still available for you to view again
We prepared this email during the 13 hour return flight. Surprisingly the plane was full both ways, even though flight prices have tripled since Covid, airfreight also tripled but thankfully this has come down a bit now although in general koi prices have increased due to Japan having the same Utility cost issues as us.
If you have not received confirmation of order and invoice please contact us immediately. Please pay deposits in 72 hours to guarantee reservation
Shipments will arrive in 2-3 weeks and as usual we will be triple heat cycling all koi over a 12
week period at our CFAS UK No1, rated facility in Banstead Surrey. All koi will be held FREE OF CHARGE until April 2024
Please enjoy the koi on our last email and thank you so much for the orders, interest and support during our Autumn harvest trip.
Thank you for your ongoing support on this trip to what has amounted be to our most successful trip to date.
Kind Regards,
Andrew & Ben
Koi & Water Garden Ltd
Office 0208 337 3337
Mobile 07976 832773